Robert Wein
Jan 21, 2019

What are your growth plans? Where would you like to see the company in 3,5, or 10 years?

I was run over by a minivan in 2009, while biking with 4 friends, and was badly injured. When I heard that I’d suffered an “Acquired Brain Injury” because I’d never heard of it, I thought it rare. I was told that it’s by no means rare, because it’s known by other names. The term most often recognized is “concussion”. I decided to make a difference, by starting an organization that makes it more known.


Did you do a lot of networking when you got started? How did you grow your network and make it work for you?

I didn’t do enough networking, it was narrow word-of-mouth. What I’d appreciate is help making my brand more widely known.


How many hours do you currently put in as an entrepreneur and how do you feel about that?

I lost everything in the crash. I’m working to build a brand. Quite simply, when I’m not sleeping, I’m thinking of my Not-For-Profit.


How do you get the majority of your leads or clients now? Any tips you can share?

While being visibly-disabled is a challenge, it gives to me an instant-connection to people.


Who is your business idol or inspiration and why?

My idol is the managing partner of, Kerry Goulet. He is, quite simply, brilliant at running his Not-For-Profit.


Robert Wein

Never Stop – Foundation

Email: [email protected]